Saturday, April 30, 2011

Last day of APRIL

It was really a great day, filled with plenty of sunshine..a little visit with some very dear friends in Pottsville who were celebrating a  perfect 10 years with Perception Training. A dream a friend of mine had for many years and had no idea where to begin....named after Mary Montessori , Montessori education is characterized by an emphasis on independence, freedom within limits, and respect for a child’s natural psychological development, Michelle Dallago grabbed the bull by the horns...and continues to GROW. So very proud of her. And her husband Rich...her biggest fan, who stands by her side. The band MIXX performed for the adults and kids....Rich has been playing drums literally....FOREVER...and guess who stands by him and lets him enjoy his love for those drums? you guessed it Michelle. Three lovely daughters, 2 puppies, and plenty of work to be done in the Dallago house...but they have the "right stuff" and balance to make it work.

from there, it was a quick visit with my parents...better than no visit at all. Upon leaving my dad took my hand and held on to it tight...he tends to be goofy sometimes, but there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about how I would ever make it through without my mom and dad. So, I let him be goofy while my husband was trying to back the car out of the driveway and my dad was still holding my hand. HARD. He's a funny man, but a good man. I married a man that would do anything for me, go anywhere with me, and  makes sure I'm ok everyday. He always says. You will never be alone, I will never leave you. My dad never left me, he raised me, he always wanted to protect me until he couldn't anymore. I had the strictest upbringing, but I know he had good reason. He knows how happy I truly am, I married a man who treats me alot like my dad does. He's funny, abides by the rules, puts me first, Is always a leader, picks me up when I fall or fail, encourages me to do the best I can, and loves me unconditionally. Of course there were rocky times in my family as there is in any family. Was I spoiled?  uhm, I tend to think not. Am I now? You better believe it.

April was a good month, and today was a great day. Tomorrow....March for Babies at Reading Area Community College. see you there.

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