Thursday, April 7, 2011


Turns out one big happy family equals two parents and two daughters.  Thats the winning formula for domestic bliss, according to a new survey which talked to thousands of parents with children under the age of 16.  Two daughters are not likely to fight and tend to get along well.  They are generally quiet and rarely annoy their parents, and keep each other occupied.  Daughters are also most likely to honestly confide in their parents.  Families with two girls also reported that their daughters help out around the house and are easy to reason with.  Double really is trouble, though- parents with four daughters reported being the least happy with their home life, and suffer through an average of four fights every day.  And the more girls a family has, the more of a handful they become- even more so than boys.  It seems that two is the magic number any way you slice it- the second most favorable family formula is one girl and one boy, followed by two boys.
That right there is a crock! Just sayin. Its called Genetic make-up. Some say Girls are easier, some say boys, some say when they get to a certain age things change. Personally, oh nevermind, Im not even going there with who is easier to raise, because it always bites me in the behind!   Let me just say, is there really a PERFECT family out there. I think not.
Let me tell you exactly where I like my kids. Let me show you:

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