Friday, April 15, 2011

F R I D A Y = A N A L Y Z E

Yay for Fridays!!!   We live our every week for the weekend! What would we do without them?   Today was a day that if I didn't come to work, I would spend the day thinking...and thinking too much is never a good thing. I am an OVER analyzer. It drives people crazy...Its one thing that will age me 10 years. I stress about things that are unnecessary. I know, they make medicine for people like me.

Let's take a look at the first four letters of the word analyzer. ANAL , that's right.

Don’t let your self-doubt keep you from making timely decisions. Make yourself stop over-analyzing and worrying about consequences. Make yourself stop obsessing about making a perfect decision. Concentrate instead on just doing SOMETHING… moving ahead and taking action will make a decision easier.
And it may help to remember that decision-making is just like any other skill… it gets easier with practice!

See why I write this blog? Because its actually self help for me!!

I constantly stress and analyze everything. My job, my kids, my parenting skills, my relationship with my X. My friends and their choices. The school, ugh....I don't smoke to take the edge off either, or take pills.  I think I eat. So.....exercise it is. Its my drug, of course I analyze which exercise I will chose and if I worked out hard enough.

This weekend is the last QUIET weekend for awhile. As it should be, Palm Sunday as Donald From Boyertown explains "It;s sort of a meet and greet in Jerusalem when Jesus rolled in on the Donkey and folks layed down their coats and waved their palms like lighters at a Grateful Dead concert . NOW THAT'S FUNNY.

Tonight I'm spending a little time with a very good friend Maria Wonder....tomorrow I work, come see Donald and I at Ashley Furniture in Leesport from 12-3 for a JOB!!!!!, Bring food for us, anything from the produce section for me:)  Sunday...peace and quiet.. Have a blessed weekend my friends, be safe. Less Analyzing K?

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