Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mr. Sandman

Last night on facebook  I posted, "please Mr Sandman, let me get some sleep tonight"

I fell asleep at 10pm and woke up to look at my phone at 4am to check the time and saw I had a text... It was my daughter texting me at 12:22 last night to let me know she was sick and throwing up. Isn't it great, she is right across the hallway and she TEXTS messages me, little did I know, Mr. Sandman let me sleep so well my husband was up with her.

So I walked into her room, felt her head, and saw her clinging to her stuffed animal. I almost cried, just when you think they are growing up and you miss that innocence of their childhood...you realize your baby will be 19 this year but its still ok to hold a stuffed animal for comfort. I don't care how old she is, she will always remain my first born. She was a good baby, she is a good kid. She makes me laugh, she comforts others, loves her family, and realizes I am an overbearing, overprotective, sometimes really strict parent, guess what.....I don't care.

So as she recovers on this "sick day" I wish I could be with her instead of at work, no matter how old they are, how many headaches they give us, how many times we yell, how much stress they throw our way, they are still in their "learning" process until they are parents themselves. (which better not be for another 10 years)

Thanks Mr Sandman for a great night of sleep. I wish SOMEONE would have woke me up when all of this was taking place! Baby, you are the best step-father to my children. Katie, no more midnight texts! throw cold water on my face. PLEASE? and feel better. I love you.

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