Saturday, April 16, 2011

Holy Wind Batman !

No, I have not forgotten to blog. I just had a busy day! All is forgiven right? Good. I am in the midst of stirring the pot on Facebook with an exceptional status. You can see it for yourself. 

I started my morning with my usual coffee and Fox and Friends...then it was off to Work at a live remote broadcast for three hours. I went through the assembly line at Ashley Furniture and they had applications being filled out all afternoon.  Really nice people there. Then it was off to Holy Guardian Angels Church. My husband and children are all, not so much. I was raised Lutheran and we went every Sunday, my parents were and are very active in Church, we attended Sunday School before Church every week. Loved it there, so when I moved to Berks county, it was extremely difficult to lose myself in another religion, but we went...and I proceeded to find my own church where I would feel accepted. ( even though I helped out with Spaghetti dinners, volunteered as the schools track coach when they had none, and made sure the kids completed their every CCD classses at HGA. ) Couple of  things I just don't understand and never will as a non-catholic is Confession, annulment and communion.

As I am writing this my husband just said, "please stay off the religion topic"
ok, ok, I love that man to pieces. So I will stop.....Just not right now.

I am going to continue reading, and researching the Catholic religion, I may never have the answers I want to hear, and I know damn well that you never win with politics or religion.

I love my God and my Church, the way Barb and Jack raised me. I respect all of you and your religions
Remember, my blog is just to chit chat, my therapy. You understand.
Peace be with you, all of you.

We had a great supper tonight, broiled chicken, asparagus with a touch of lemon, butter, and capers, corn on the cob and salad with my own house special dressing. The winds are a whippin out there. Lots of kids fill the house, and I'm surrounded by happiness...

I'm not a preacher, just sharing. Lets all remember Holy week. remember the cross Jesus carried. remember the cross we all carry. We are all Gods People.

I'm getting deeper, I know!

Also, a special shout out to Maria Wonder, Julie, and Jill, we had a really nice time last night. I love meeting new people, I enjoy REAL people, with real problems. The conversation always ends with a little "keep the faith sign" and a positive outlook on the day.

Thank you to David At Sunshine Wellness for letting me put on the boxing gloves yesterday and spar. (is that the right word) You have no idea how conversation and a good workout can be. There is so much power and strength from everyone at Sunshine Wellness...I kid you not.

Tomorrow is catch-up day...on my laundry and bills, and to prepare for the week ahead. I have to go to the attic and get my Easter baskets now:)

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