Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Well, it's Wednesday! Exactly one week from the last time I weighed in. I went to an evening class at SUNSHINE WELLNESS.  It's called TRX 2 . I knew I had to weigh in BEFORE class. So, I did, and I was anxious. I have not been counting calories. I have not eaten anything that I shouldn't. Cakes, cookies, fats...etc. Alot of healthy eats and protein. I passed up Becky's peanut butter eggs, I passed up sweet streets desserts, I passed up some chocolate coated oreos with cream cheese. I did it all and I managed to take classes, and run.
Are you ready? I went from 151 to 150 in a week. Now, I could have very well gained. I could've stayed the same. So, I am making progress. The REAL six week make-over challenge begins on Monday. I feel as though I am ahead of the game already I needed to do this for me mentally, I had to prove to myself I could.
 Which now makes it another 10 pounds to shed. Can I do it in 6 weeks. I better.

My two cheerleaders:

David (my team leader) said tonight and I quote. " Nice job tonight, way to kick it out. very impressed"
that's right blog readers. I did kick it out, then came home and made a cauliflower and cucumber salad, squash and garlic encrusted salmon. MMmmmmmm.

Heather (my BFF) said and I quote " You are down a pound from last week, I am telling you not to underestimate weighing in now-you've eaten, fluids have shifted , etc. stay strong and focused its a marathon, not a sprint."
This is why I love her.

Now, I may cut corners on the weekend. I'm just saying, I will have one pb egg and that Strawberry Labamba dessert I bought ate Sweet Streets dessert, I will have some bottle caps and razzles. I wont eat peeps. (hate them)  My mother in law is busy with a blueberry pie....mmmmm

next week should be a better weigh in too....dont cha think??

Thank you Salon Lora, for making me feel at home, and putting a little "pep" into the "DO"

much love,
its late, I look tired and I smell....must shower.

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