Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Can you hear me loud and clear? UGHHHHHH that is the sound of me grunting, groaning, FREAKING OUT.

Teenager number 3 has his license. Let it be known, I am a nervous wreck. I need to learn that what happens to my kids when they leave this house is out of my control, they can only use the tools that we have given them and they must realize that they need to be these mini adults and make wise decisions.
First person I called was my dad.  "dad, Eric got his license today" his response, "oh God, now you'll never rest"  Does he know me or what?

Kate is pretty awesome abidding by the rules we have here, regarding driving.I like to think that I know exactly where she is at all times. This driving thing....its going to take the LIFE right outta me, its going to SUCK me dry. I have this little problem trusting their decisions. But I promise to work on them little by little.
I promise.

Alex has had his license for awhile now and he is really great about paying his insurance, paying for  gas, getting to and from work and school, and taking care of his car.

Now, let us remember, this is DAY one with Eric and his liscense.....My favorite bumper sticker that I once saw. NEVER DRIVE FASTER THAN YOUR ANGELS CAN FLY.

I believe in angels and I believe that I have to start letting go, for as much as this KILLS me. I will try my best.

On a good note, i stopped by the office at the high school today and the woman in the office said, Eric is a good kid, he may not have the entire package together, but he has it together and is a sweet kid. I like to think so.  All of these kids are different, I love them to pieces. They just dont understand tough love.

Sometimes I think my  mom and dad are still trying to teach me that.
Being on the other side of parenting.....is quite the ride. But I swear I never made my parents worry this much. Did I?

I need to go design a parking lot now for the front of our house.


  1. Jackie, You are an AMAZING person & so glad God put you in my life a few mths. ago. You are 1 of my many ANGELS..Always caring & checking in on me as I jetset across the world :)) Thank-you for just being YOU!! You touch so many lives on a daily basis & probably don't even realize it, I know you touch mine! I believe you were put in my life for a reason & feel it is for a lifetime & so thankful for that!!!! I feel truly blessed to have you in my life & treasure your friendship!! Your ANGELS will continue watching over you & your family, even if they have to work overtime now that teenager #3 has his license!! Just continue trusting God because he is a good God!! Well I can't wait to see your SUNSHINE on Fri. night!!

    Luv ya girl-HUGS!!

  2. Rosalie you are so sweet!!! I am so thankful and grateful you have come into my life!
