Thursday, May 5, 2011

The First Kiss

My first kiss to my husband inspired my run for the night. Well, that and the slice of pizza I ate today. I spent the afternoon at Thaddius Stevens College in Lancaster. Very nice little campus and Eric seemed to like it, I like the bible college which is a stones throw from the dorm and I commented, "now there is where you can find a nice girl" Of course, he looked at me and my crazy self and as any 16 year old would say to his mom, "yea right"

I'm being serious. That being said, the tour was about two hours, and we headed home, discussed the day, and  lovey and I made dinner.. Chops on the grill, a fab salad, and some rice and green beans.
Afterwards, everyone goes their separate ways, well, Katie is still at her friends, Eric is with his buddies, Alex and Michael are at boy scouts and Holly was at dance.

clean-up is done, and I have some free for a run....Some days are good, some days my head just cant seem to get it together. It was that piece of pizza I think....I laced up my sneakers, listening to Adelle, I was River mile, two mile, watching the river run with the sun setting on it, I love my neighborhood and the great location I can run...I came to the place where I kissed my husband for the first time..."Kellys Lock," .that is what encouraged me to run a little further.  Onward to mile three, and finally mile four. It was that little thought that was in my mind, the very first time he laid his lips on mine. It sounds so sappy doesn't it? I will never forget it. I never had someone  make me feel so important, so special, It was love from the very first kiss. He is still passionate about every thing he does for me and with me. His kiss gave me the energy and strength to go further faster.

Running is all in your mind, if you have inner strength, you will do it. endurance is a must, Mind over matter is where its at. And the first kiss kinda helps on days when you just don't think you have the energy to walk another step.

Take a minute to remember your very first kiss...bring it back. Mind over matter.

Today is National day of Prayer, I thank God for our children and their health, our families, our friends and the beauty that some take for granted. I thank God everyday for blessing me with an amazing man. He gives me air to breath and a kiss that is worth a million memories.

I wonder if he ever reads my blogs?

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