Tuesday, May 24, 2011

keeping silent. Rising to the top

(All names have been changed to protect their families...and me.)

With my job I meet alot of people, if not daily, most likely every other day. Today was no different. 3 gentleman had come to the radio station, one whom I knew from Schuylkill County. I said, "Bob, I'm worried about you, you need to start taking better care of yourself", he said, "you know jackie I gained the weight when I quit smoking." So, I said to Bob, you can start by taking a WALK, a simple walk every night. He is only in his late 50's, he spoke about having a valve replaced in his heart, which went on to his rotator cuff being torn, to getting hearing aids. I said, Bob,"You're a HOT mess". He proceeded to tell me he only has another 20 years. do you know why? Because his dad died young and his mom had Cancer.

                                                       SCENE 2

The Second Gentleman sat quietly listening to Bob, I noticed a scar on his blad head. From one side of his temple, across to the other side. I was wondering to myself what had happened? Why isn't he down on his luck? Why isn't he saying, "take a look at me" So, I had to ask....this person I had never met. "Tom, what happened?" and without blinking an eye he simply said, "I had to have an 8 hour brain surgery last year" just like that. Like so matter of fact. I had to know more. I said, " how did you know?" he said.........now pay attention here, he said, "because I lost my sense of smell, I knew something wasn't right" So, I went to the the ENT, they took some pix, and sent them directly to Johns Hopkins, and I ended up there for 2 days, and back home again" There he sat, so matter of factly, but still understanding how close he came to death, or some sort of complications during the surgery. He had a brain tumor which could have killed him.

The whole story here, and I actually LEARNED something.  Keep silent, no one needs to know about your own struggles or pains or problems because they all have their own, rise to the top and become better listeners. Bob spoke in volumes to me today and wasn't even speaking loud. All his senses are clearly functioning and his heart speaks for him.

There you are another, blessing, another lesson. God is Good.

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