Saturday, May 14, 2011

Amazing Grace

Special Olympics softball team
Today started with rain and ended with a rainbow that could only be made with a variety of people from here in Berks County.
A rainbow of so many individuals who made their own sunshine by helping in every way possible. I met Butch from Bob Fisher chevrelot. In all my life I have never met someone so generous. He didnt know anyone on either team and made so many kind gestures in the time he was there (early in the morning) until the afternoon,. Sandwiches and doughnuts and coffee for the volunteers who were in the rain all day.

The rain did let up in the afternoon when it was time for the game, The athletes had been looking forward to this day. The catcher with one arm, the shortstop who taught me how to run the bases, The first baseman who I knocked was incredible, during the 5th inning, all of the Y102 foulballs were asked to play with one arm..and we did, no arguements, they whooped our butts, they could crack that ball, they could run like the wind, they were the most determined kids I have ever seen. And they won 18-17

We were all there for one reason together. To let these athletes show US what it is like to be in their shoes for a day. They are pretty neat athletes. THEY thanked us....they are so grateful and humble.

I have so many thank yous for everyone involved, you know who you are, I could not have done ANY of this without you.

I have found a new home for my heart in the line of Charity work. I want to see this rainbow, I want to feel this magic, I want to help in every way with these special Olympians. To inspire greatness is what they will teach you over and over....and it doesnt take long.  The sunshine on a cloudy was perfect. Even if we couldint see it, we all felt it.

Y-102 Foulballs~

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