Sunday, March 13, 2011


Time to Spring into action. Spring ahead. Move Forward right?  I will in just a minute but I have to vent. Three weeks ago when I decided to blog for the next 365 days I promised myself I would not hold back about ANYTHING.  There is something bothering me so much that my day yesterday was ruined and I cant let today be a carbon copy. Excuse me, I WILL NOT let today be the same.

I will not mention any names, however there are certain people in our lives that we cross paths with that will be a part of our future,there are family members that make such an impact on our everyday life that it can make or break you, co-workers can fall into that category, complete strangers, and yes even close friends. This someone is bothering me so much that I may just have to throw up my hands and say...."you win", because no matter what, I'm always wrong.

I have done everything a person could possibly do for this individual.  From moments of their loneliness to being their greatest supporter. To them, I don't make enough money, I don't raise my children  the right way, I am looked down upon for not holding my first marriage together, I have only ever asked for support and ALOT of it, Support is free right? costs nothing. When you love someone that's what you do. Instead, the CONSTANT negativity has finally eaten a whole through my entire heart.  Our relationship has crumbled once and for all. You have hurt me for the final time.

A Christian will reach out  to someone in their darkest you seriously call yourself a Christian? I think you call yourself Proud, and look down upon others. Its a shame we are so different, I would give you my last dollar, I would talk for hours, I have looked up to you forever. I cant be broken anymore. I have come to far.

Some of you would get angry and let your anger be known, hold your breath, it doesn't matter, you will never win with this person, they are always right. Do you know anyone like this?

I'm going to get ready for church. Today will be a better day, I will look back on this day, and I will remember how you made me feel.  From now on I become numb to it. SPRING AHEAD. It does have a world of meaning, and I going to win.


  1. remember, you can't control what a person think, feels or says. understandable why it affects you so much when a lot of emotion is invested in this person. addition venting(at no charge) can be made through a me. ya drive me nutsa at times but i love you no matter what ;)

    sherry b

  2. Seems like they mad at your free will. How's that song go "Don't hold me down".
    Chris Good

  3. wow Jackie - well said! And yes I do know someone who fits that as well. Just remember you are you. You were put on this earth to be you and live your life the way you want, God doesn't want it any other way. We can not make them happy no matter what we try to do, so do as I stop trying. ;) I'm right there with ya! Hope your heart stops aching, I know it is and it will. Let it goooooo! :))
