Thursday, March 3, 2011


If you know me on a personal level, you know how sensitive I am. Probably because I am "real" red-head and was teased growing up, "carrot-top", "Big Red" ,"Ginger" ....and then when I graduated high school I became such a rebel, that I decided to become a blonde....and I never went back. Nobody wanted to date a red-head, nobody wanted the "red-head" on their dodge ball team but they sure as hell hit me hard enough with the ball.

Well, because I grew up insecure it has taken awhile to grow out of it.. I feel the need to be a people pleaser ALL of the time. I do get great satisfaction out of it, although sometimes I cant make all 100,000 listeners happy. I thought I would share some of the emails from our listeners....their wants, their needs, their complaints and their praises.

some even get me in trouble.

Subject: Morning Show Sports

Hello Mr Burke, I called in this morning on the request line, during the morning show, to find out why Scott wasn't announcing the Reading High Basketball District win last night and their progress to Hershey on Saturday.
I'm pretty sure it was Jackie who picked up the phone and said "we aren't aloud to say that" and hung up.
Why can't you announce Reading High winning a game??? It appears more prejudice then anything.
Thank you for looking in to this matter.

Next we have the classic, please feel sorry for me letter, look, if I could hand out free passes to everyone for every concert, every restaurant, every hockey, baseball, and football game dont; you think I would?

Good Morning Jackie and Scott,
 I just have a comment about the morning mind bender contest.
I feel that if you don't have the time in the morning to run the
contest fairly, you should pick another time to do it.  This morning,
I called in (with the correct answer) and the phone was busy
at first, then rang and rang without being answered.
When you put the contestant on the air this morning, she got
three (3) guesses at getting the answer correct.  This is not the
first time you have given someone multiple guesses or coached them
towards saying the correct answer.
You may think this sounds petty, but it's how I feel and this is why.
I've been trying to win a gift certificate to 3rd & Spruce for a very long time. 
It may not seem like a big deal, but we are on a tight budget.  My husband
is home on permanent disability, and when that happened, I went from being
a stay at home mom to working full time, so it's not like I've worked all my life
to build a career and a great salary, I have a job.  For me to win a gift certificate
for us to go out to dinner is a big deal to us.  So when I'm calling with the correct
answer and can't even get someone to answer the phone, then hear someone get
multiple guesses or get coached, it's a little frustrating.
I love the morning show and have for years.  I just wanted to share with both of 
you how I feel about the morning mind bender contest.  Thank you for listening.
and now, some of the nicer thoughts, questions and comments.
To: Hoffman, Jackie
Subject: american idol

Who’s your favorite?
I think the people are really good this year compared to other years.  Tough decision.
Honestly, I think the younger kids are doing the best. 

And… do you know how much it is to get in the home and garden show?
Last year it was free.. do you know if it still is?

To: Hoffman, Jackie
Subject: comment from this morning
blonde from Heidelberg. Jackie I personally would be more excited running into you or Scott at Giant then her and so would many of my friends.I have heard and seen enough of that woman but we never get tired of you .  Have a wonderful day . Cheryl
To: Hoffman, Jackie
Subject: Hi

Jackie need a new hairdresser. Where do you go?
Have a nice day! Rosie
I literally go through hundreds of emails a week. And if I don't respond it drives me CRAZY. I love 'how demanding  my job is, and yet how simple some of the emails are. And as Al Burke continues to remind me everyday, "you can't save the world jackie" I have to remember that. But I will keep trying.

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