Thursday, March 10, 2011


This decision isn't like should we have another baby, buy a new house or trade my family van in for a sporty little gas friendly two door car.  This decision will change our lives forever.
I hear about a reality show on MTV from Liz on FM97 (oddly enough through her facebook page) her status reads :  MTV is looking for quirky, crazy, loving large families, at least 2 siblings age 10-25.. on, I immediately told my story, identified each child, their age, etc. within 24 hours I get this email back:

Hope all is well! Thank you so much for the email. My name is Jordan Brodsky, and I am an Associate Producer at MTV. At your earliest convenience, please give me a call at ......... blah blah blah
I would love to hear more about you and your family.

so, there it is, I spoke to Jordan and he followed up with another email...its on to the video this weekend and taking photos.

One thing, once the camera start rolling , there is NO going back.....I will bet you I change my mind when I get down off my high. Its just that its out there, its attainable, its reality. However. I see what reality television has done to other couples. One thing I do not want is to ruin my marriage or my family. I have everything I want right now.....minus all the money. I think I have already answered my own question. I'm feeling a family meeting this weekend.

My parents would be a classic addition to the show. The kids are awesome, my husband so laid back, our x-spouses who date one another ( yes, you read that correctly) would hype things up, the dogs have great personalities, and my job just takes it to another level. 

Here is the latest email.....and as soon as it reads confidential that is as far as I can share.

Hello Jackie,
So great chatting with you! Attached are the questions and some helpful hints for the self-submission. Please also include the following:

blah blah blah ( you get the idea)
What would you do?


  1. Crazy neighbor. My father. In the dunebuggy!

  2. laura, perhaps I should give you guys MTV's phone number!

  3. I got the same email.
    To the T.

  4. I got the same email and submitted

  5. My son got an email from that guy sent to his youtube account from our video, "The Barbano Family Argument." Is it legit?
