Saturday, March 12, 2011


What a beautiful day ahead......for us. For others, may we keep them in our prayers and never forget this tragic event in Hawaii and Japan.  Blame it on Global Warming. Nuclear meltdown? Can you imagine being caught in this nightmare? I do not know of anyone personally affected by this, but it affects all of us. It was the first thing that came to my mind when I woke up. The rescue teams sent to Japan, Fox News wondering what Mother Natures thought process was. 

We cannot question why them? Why now? why so tragic.  Its another day to move forward, but not forget the lives lost and the loss that some families will take years to piece back together. This is exactly what I mean when I talk about being so grateful for what you have. it docent matter if you have five friends or fifty. It doesn't matter if you have 10 pennies or 10 dollars. What matters is you woke up this morning with your life still intact.

200,000 people homeless ,9500 people missing from one town in Japan, one million people without water. Another Tsunami on  the way? Nuclear accidents. I have to turn the news off now, because it torments the hell out me as to how we can help the Red Cross with what they need .

I have to escape...This is a day (the perfect day) for a good run. I need more running friends, ones that live close by, or perhaps my choice of music  today EMINEM will help me escape to where I need to go.

be grateful, thankful, and when you are asked to help try not to be so selfish. You can only escape for so long and then its back to reality.


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