Wednesday, February 23, 2011


First of all, my birthday was the best......EVER.  I stayed home and spent it with my kids, my husband and an awesome mother in law. A homemade Betty Crocker Cake, with milk chocolate icing. Made by my husband and Pizza. (thank you Scott.) Lots of workout clothes, a new purse, jammies, and of course WINE.

Today's topic : FRIENDS.  They are a big part of who I am, and like everyone we all have our different groups of friends. different categories.

Childhood friends
Best Friends
church friends
workout buddies
the ones who stuck by your side during a divorce
facebook friends

of course there are many more, my first 3 friends I ever had are my 3 very best friends today. Heather, Debbie and Ginene. (and that is no particular order) because debbie would get mad wondering why she isn't first. I would have to give her Oreos in order for her to not be mad at me. We don't get together as often as I would like , but we have a bond no one can break, birthdays, holidays, and yes even tragedies we are there for each other always. Its more like sisters. We talk several times a week and already have our next outing planned at Heathers "summer" home in the Poconos!
Although Jacquie Dormers schedule is busier than mine, we remain very close, I have mega respect for her, and another lifelong friend :)

I have been blessed by friends, alot of them, all of them different, some have come and gone. Gone meaning when I was going through my divorce they chose to just let me in my own misery. That will be a story for another day.

There are some friends I could never be without. Dena, Lisa, Maria, Becky, Colleen, Beth F. Sharon, Kim, Donna,Marlee, Stacy, Laurie, Mic, and as my daughter grows up into a young woman I am also proud to call her "friend" Katie .  About Colleen.....dear God....she is Friend you all wish you had....she might still be stuck in the 80's. wardrobe, music, the way she raises her 3 lovely children...whom I adore. she is differnt, thats for sure. We all need a Colleen.

We are all a circle of friends when you think about it,  and as I wake up each day I know how to be a better friend, its so much more than a phone call, or text, or a facebook message, its about making the time to get together while you are here for the HAPPY times. Its something I am trying to explain to my husband, he has been going back home for many funerals and sad occasions, you must keep your bond, make it stronger. enjoy your friends , they are the cherry on your sundae and the icing on your cake, and at the end of your day you feel fulfilled knowing being a friend doenst take up much energy because it is so natural. Friends warm your soul.  A life without friends is very lonely.  Now get going and plan a lunch, a getaway, a workout, a walk. Something. enjoy.


  1. Enjoyed your first day, Jackie. Thanks for sharing part of your life with us. Looking forward to reading more about the beauty of life through your eyes...keep up the good work and have a great day!

  2. Ernie!
    I'm happy I can entertain! I know this is going to be a challenge as I plan on getting as real as one can get and honest as one can be.

  3. True friends are indeed priceless treasures.
