Friday, August 12, 2011

Here I go again.....

It seems like a year ago I was in this same sad scenario. I got the call...."Jackie, you can come pick up your package" It was then my heart S A N K.

The package was Katie's Senior pictures. In exactly one hour I am headed to Purdon Photography to pick up Eric's Senior portraits. As I type this, the keys on the keyboard are touched by tears of every emotion I could have.  Sadness, Happiness, and uncertainty.

Eric has always been my baby. Regardless of his height. He looks down at me most of the time like I am crazy, which...I am. For those of you who know me.

Eric is a very private, keep to himself young man, he NEVER boasts or brags about anything. He has his share of misfortunes, but his heart speaks volumes. And as a mom, you just know...even when they are going through these awkward and stressful teenage years with hormones raging, girlfriend problems and a future that isn't mapped out just yet, its scary as hell. But I can hear his heart and see right through his disguise of "Mr. Tough Guy" 

You know we all want to be the mom and dad that stands up and says " My kids are the best"
There isn't one child exactly like the other. But we all know, no matter what. Our kids are the best.

I can guarantee I will sit in my car and cry like a baby. But first I have to fix my black eyes from my first application of mascara that has already smeared down my face.

Thank GOD for my 4:00 therapy run with BECKY today!

Tonight I have a date with my Kate...we are going to make Chinese for supper....some sort of beef lo mein with shrimp and snow peas. Then Tandy cakes for dessert. (thank you pampered chef Becky and Erica!)  And then off to First Energy Stadium to see MR HAND THE 80's band!!! Katie loves the 80's

Perhaps Someday Eric will think I'm cool. Or at least someone he can be around that I wont embarrass...its funny he used to hang on me for dear life...I would give anything to have him cling to me like that for a day.

Time to C U T the strings. SAd sad sad...

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